Cosplayer. |

Hey, it's our video room at Fanime! |

Unfortunately, it's a little smaller than usual. |

Cosplayer for Death? |

Staff cosplayers. |

Cosplayer. |

THe halls are pretty busy. |

Final Fantasy is always a popular cosplay subject. |

The Fan Table area. |

Fushigi Yuugi cosplayers. |

Cosplayers. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayer. |

Final Fantasy X-2. |

That's a bit different for a mecha cosplayer. |

Our old friend Keith, who's also on Fanime staff. |

More FF cosplayers. |

Cosplayers. |

Cosplayers with pizza! |

Hmm, first Ragnorak Online we've seen. |

Look, more Final Fantasy. |

Cosplayers. |

The always helpful Info staff. |

Cosplayer. |

Always fun to see the cosplayers taking photos themselves. |

Cosplayers, assemble! |

More assembling. |

And still more. |

Cosplayers really having fun. |

More of the cosplayers outside. |

The not entirely inappropriate Star Wars theme. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayer, and one of our regular attendees. |

Cosplayer. |

Man, is Final Fantasy X-2 popular this year! |

They do this every year, and they're great. |

Artists Alley. |

Hitori playing Nataku from X TV. |

Cosplayers. |

Cosplayers. |

The Comics One booth. |

Delia Noonchester's booth. |

Cosplayer. |

Precious Gifts and Toys booth. |