Yup, that's the line for registration. |

A view of part of Artists Alley. |

Hanging out outside of Reg. |

Another view of the Reg line. |

Ed and Matt at our usual fan table. |

Ed did a great job with little posters around the place. |

Hey, people actually stop at our table! |

Excellent Vash! |

Cosplayer. |

Really good Chihiro and Haku. |

She even has the little paper figure on her back! |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayers. |

Good Eva costume. |

More club regulars stopping to say hi. |

San from Princess Mononoke. |

Cosplayers. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayer. |

Umm, not sure? |

Cosplayers. |

Wow! Very elaborate and beautiful costume. |

Dealers Hall. |

Saber Marionette, anyone? |

Bandai booth, just before they started throwing the plush Eins around. |

Now that's a view! |

The guilty ones responsible for the con! |

More Final Fantasy cosplayers. |

Cosplayers. |

Robert, the swap meet guy, with a fox-squirrel on his shoulder. |

Two Roberts, and a Taka. |

Very fast visitors. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayers. |

Elaborate Final Fantasy cosplayer. |

Cosplayer? |

Cosplayer. |

That's the swap meet. Busy, huh? |

The ever-popular Ranma grouping. |

Cosplayers. |

Street Fighter costumes. |

Escaflowne cosplayer. |

Cosplayer. Tokyo Mew-Mew, perhaps? |