Fanime 2003 Gallery, Part 3b
Another quick Fanime 2003 photo gallery, from the third day, part 3b.
Or jump back to the main Fanime 2K3 index.

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayers. |

Cosplayer. |

Those stormtroopers get around, don't they? |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayer. |

It's Chloe, from Noir. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayers. |

More Inu-yasha goodness. |

The formal Faye Valentinue. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayers. |

Cosplayers. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayers. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayer. |

Man, the Empire is everywhere! |

Dejiko from Digi-Charat. |

Cosplayers. |

Cosplayer. |

Cosplayer. |

A good No-face costume. |

Sen and Haku from Spirited Away. |