Fanime Con 2004 Gallery, Day 2, part A
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Part 1,
Part 2a, Part 2b,
Part 2c, Part 2d,
Part 2e, Part 2f,
Part 2g, Part 2h,
Part 2i,
Part 3a,
Part 3b,
Part 3c,
Part 3d,
Part 3e,
Part 3f,
Part 3g,
Part 3h,
Part 3i,
Part 3j,
Part 3k,
Part 3l

Andy, Ed and Richard standing, bemused, around the No-Name table. |

The early cosplayers. |

A view down the fan and art table area. |

Ed is quickly on the job. |

Cosplayer with a wonderful costume. |

Cosplayers. |

It's Dieter of Der Cosplay! |

One of our cosplaying attendees. |

Cosplayers. |

Cosplayers. |

InuYasha cosplayers. |

Anyone looks good with Chii ears :) |

Great concept from Metal Gear Solid (and other similar games). |

It's amazing how Media Blasters has the same table every year. |

The Akiba Otaku folks. |

The folks from the Love Sac store |

These are some funny guys. |

Woo! Nikaku is still the best store around. |

Alas, FUNimation suffered a bit, having to split their staff between Fanime and some other con. |

The people at Kintetsu Travel were very friendly. |

Bandai always brings goodies as well as DVDs. |

Red Octane's where Trevor used to work. |

More dealer tables. |

4 out of 5 con goers have more fun at Fanime. |

Cosplayer. |

The paper samurai guy was... interesting. Imaginative, anyway. |

Beware the horrors of Silent Hill! |

You almost can't go wrong cosplaying Nintendo stuff. |

More cosplayers. |

Man, look at the crowd for the swap meet. |

Another shot of the hordes waiting to get into swap meet. |

Mike Wright, former Fanime chair, ready to swap all kinds of stuff. |