Here's Robert. Pixar logo is backwards because we were inside the gates. |

Here's Warner in the same place. |

The entire Pixar campus is very open and green. |

Looking at the giveaway bags through the window (before they let us in). |

Look at the size of that car! (with a Mike and a Totoro inside) |

John Lasseter is serious about promoting the film! |

This Laputa robot was one of the many auction items. |

A signed sericel, number 12 of 20. |

The US poster, signed by both Miyazaki-san and Suzuki-san. |

A brass, etched model kit of Laputa's Tigermoth, with tiny flitter and figures. |

A nice gift bag of various Spirited Away items. |

The resident cafe is called Luxo, of course :) |

Cool men's room sign. |

Expecting crackers and cheese, we were surprised by the amazing food there. |

A collection of signed Pixar toys for auction. |

One of the tall banners, signed. Someone wanted it badly and quickly bid it past $1000! |

A big, lovable plush Sulley. |

A Monsters, Inc. poster. Signed, natch. |

A collection of Pixar movie DVDs, all signed. |

An interesting set of art for auction. |

Who can resist having their photos taken with Mike and Sulley? |

Companies that donated to the benefit. We need to find out which one made the desserts! |

A cool Spirited Away lunchbox set that we bid on, but didn't get. |

A signed copy of the Japanese poster. |

Suzuki-san came down and wandered around the auction. |

The Pixar mail room. |

Miyazaki-san surprised us by wandering the auction, but was still quickly surrounded. |

Suzuki-san amused himself (and us) by doodling on one of the bid sheets. |

This is what he drew. |

One guy got Miyazaki-san to draw on his shirt! |

Robert getting an autograph from the master. |

Warner doing the same, with the only paper at hand, the auction bid ID. |

The 2 guys who got their shirts signed. |

Mr. John Lasseter himself, signing for someone. |

This gives a rough idea of the size of the crowd. |

From L-to-R: John Ratzenberger, John Lasseter, and Hayao Miyazaki. |

Another fun (a Totoro "I am no face") sketch that Suzuki-san did for someone. |

Front of the giveaway bag. |

Back of the giveaway bag. |

Things in the giveaway bag. The No-face on the shirt is drawn by Mr. Lasseter's son. |

Here is a scan of the signed sketch that Lisa W. Chu got from Suzuki-san and Miyazaki-san. |